What is a Homeowner Referral Network (HRN®)?


An HRN® is a home based business that pre-screens and refers local home improvement contractors.
After my husband and I purchased our first home and saw “first hand” how difficult it was to find reliable contractors, I came up with the idea for a home improvement contractor referral service that would pre-screen painters, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc. and refer them to local homeowners. Contractors agreed to pay me a commission on jobs secured and I provided my referral service free to homeowners. It was a win-win and, in less than six months, my business turned a profit! Best of all, I was able to work from home.
I’ve documented every detail about how to launch and operate a contractor referral business in a comprehensive manual, The Complete Guide To Owning and Operating A Successful Homeowner Referral Network©. The HRN® Manual is sold individually or with customized software and a website, one-on-one consultation, forms and more so that you can get your HRN® business up and running in a matter of weeks!
Operating an HRN® will give you the freedom to:
Never worry about recessions.
In an up economy, homeowners are expanding and remodeling. And, in a down economy, they’re maintaining and renovating instead of moving homes. There is literally no economy in which the services of a good contractor are not needed.
Launch a profitable home based business without high franchise fees.
The HRN® business isn’t a franchise but you get the same support without paying high franchise fees or ongoing royalty payments. You reap the benefits of an already-proven business model, but if you want to change it to fit the culture of your community, you have the freedom to do so.
Be your own boss.
I offer as much or as little support as you need to get your business running successfully, with HRN Business Packages for every level. You can launch your own business, have a flexible work schedule and make a full time income from home with complete training and support!

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